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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  May 3, 2016 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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may 3. i'm kenny choi. >> i'm michelle griego. it is just 4:29 and we're all kind of sniffling this morning because allergies, right? >> i couldn't even open my eye this is morning. >> yeah. >> or comb my hair because i couldn't open my eyes. >> your daughter is suffering, as well. >> yeah. but hopefully she got some medication so she will hopefully feel better soon. we are overcast this tuesday. we have heavy fog lining the coast and now trying to push onshore. we'll possibly have there's at sfo due to a low ceiling. temperatures 51 at sfo. 57 san jose. later today once the fog scrubs out we'll have mostly cloudy skies, rain well to the north of the bay area. temperatures from 60 to 78 degrees. we have your full forecast coming up in a matter of minutes. but right now, let's bring in
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gianna. >> good morning. let's start off eastbound at 160 on route 4. over to the shoulder, an accident. no delays westbound. but we have roadwork on 4. roadwork on the bay bridge. i'll have details on that coming right up. explosive new allegations that former 49er dana stubblefield raped a disabled woman but his lawyers say not so fast. they claim he is the victim and say there's evidence to prove it. they will hold a news conference in a few hours to do damage control. kpix 5's betty yu has the story. >> reporter: dana stubblefield did not say a word as he walked out of santa clara county jail with his attorney. >> dana stubblefield is 100% innocent of these charges without question. the woman who made these charges has raised false allegations in an attempt to take advantage of the celebrity status. >> reporter: the d.a. charged the ex-49er great was raping a developmentally disabled woman at his morgan hill home last april after
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interviewing her for a babysitting job. a day before prosecutors said he contacted the then 31 through a nanny website and set up the interview. the interview lasted 20 minutes. she got a text from stubblefield saying he wanted to pay her for her time. when she returns, he forcefully raped her and later gave her $80. what kind of relationship did he have with this woman? >> it was a consensual relationship that he had with her. this happened over a year ago and here we are today. this is nothing but a money grab. >> reporter: the attorney says they have the evidence to prove it. >> she then texted him on more than 20 occasions asking him for money. >> reporter: stubblefield's old neighbor says the former defensive tackle was a friendly face on the block. >> i don't believe it. >> reporter: why not? >> he he's a nice guy. >> reporter: -- >> he is a nice guy. >> he was the nfl defensive player of the year and a three
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time pro bowler. there was no doubt about dana stubblefield's ability on the field. >> reporter: he is no stranger to the law. in 2008, he was caught in the balco scandal and pleaded guilty. he was sentenced to probation for lying to federal agents about his use of performance- enhancing drugs. a year later a former fiancee filed a restraining order against him. betty yu, kpix 5. >> attorneys also say there's no truth to the fact that she is developmentally disabled. at the news conference today, they plan on showing the alleged text messages between her and stubblefield. this isn't the first time a 49er has been in hot water. aldon smith goes on trial this week for dui with a prior conviction, hit-and-run and vandalism. ray mcdonald has been indicted by a criminal grand jury on rape charges. bruce miller pleaded no contest to domestic violence. and chris culliver was charged with felony possession of brass knuckles. a twist in the case of three drifters charged with two
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bay area murders. one of them is going to testify against the other suspect. 4-year-old sean angold cut a deal with prosecutors, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and will testify against his co- defendants morrison lampley and lila alligood. all three are suspected in the shooting deaths of two people in october. now, under the plea deal angold faces 15 years to life in prison. if convicted, lampley and all alligood face life without parole. here's how things went yesterday with the mayor. he and two staffers and not a single protestor. the hunger strikers at the mission police station say they refuse to honor lee's impromptu visit monday because it wasn't on their terms. and now the demonstrators are upset over police shootings and other scandals. they say they will march to city hall around 12:30 today to
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meet with lee. in orinda a familiar problem is draining resources. a broken water main flooded garages and yards and damaged two homes. late last night crews were finally able to open the road by darrell drive. kpix 5's andria borba shows us the town's constant fight with the pipes reporter: it's not hard to see why this water pipe flooded yards. >> when there's property damage we refer customers to risk management for any impact to property. >> reporter: for ted fleischman the flooding isn't new. >> the 100 year flood is happening every 19 years. >> reporter: thousands of gallons of gushing water washed away five feet of dirt under the asphalt. >> we're seeing our aging system come to the end of its
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life cycle. >> reporter: 20 feet of split cast iron pipe was installed in 1489 but east bay m.u.d. is looking to replace 40 miles of pipe per year up from 10 miles a year. >> to replace a mile of pipe is $2 million. >> reporter: when the road is fixed, east bay m.u.d. said they are averaging three water main breaks a day so they won't be resting very long. andria borba, kpix 5. let's check the weather. i can tell it's already cooler. >> it is a little cool. we have the influx of cloud cover, a little bit of condensation because of heavy fog at the coast this morning. we have a little bit of everything going on. as you get ready to step out or think about getting the kids up in a couple of hours for school, plan on a day in which we don't see a whole lot of sun, more clouds. oakland at 54.
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in the 50s for the most part. winds under 5 miles per hour, increasing to 10 to 15 today. these are the numbers to expect. temperatures average. so if it feels this morning, we have been above average for several days. 50s will be common across the coast, 72 in san jose. east of the bay 60s and 70s. and north bay numbers up to 69 in sonoma and santa rosa. full forecast minutes away but let's bring in gianna. >> good morning. we have some roadwork out there plus word of a brush fire in the south bay in san jose. stevens creek boulevard on-ramp to northbound 880, it's not affecting the main lines of 880 but there is activity there on the side on the on-ramp so officials are at the scene. we'll keep you posted. no delays in the south bay. so far traffic is clear. north 101 out of san jose coming away from capitol expressway northbound, all the way towards 880 all the way to
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237, clear. along 880 in oakland, this portion looks good no delays. roadwork will be clearing within the next 20 minutes. bay bridge roadwork on the upper deck in the 5:00. if you are not happy with fellow passengers on bart, changes could be coming with those quick stop and goes. christin ayers explains. reporter: ask riders the worst thing about bart. >> it's probably delays. >> the delays are very disappointing. >> reporter: the major problem, the brains of bart. its aging train control system tracks where the trains go and how fast. from january to march this year, the system was responsible for 997 late trains. >> the way to eliminate that buy more trains which we're doing and get this new train control system. >> reporter: officials say a
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new system would mean fewer delays. instead of 24 trains an hour, they could run 30 and it would end the jerk when the train stops. >> the new system will let us slow trains down much smoother, not so herky jerky. >> reporter: bart said it's going to cost you. >> it's expensive about $900 million. >> reporter: some of that money will come from grants and fare increases but bart hopes a portion of a bond measure on the november ballot will bring in the rest. some riders aren't willing to pay. >> i don't think that people should pay more. >> i don't want to pay more. i pay enough as it is. >> reporter: christin ayers, kpix 5. >> once funded, the project would take 10 years to complete. happening today, san jose has a new plan to wipe out graffiti. the city is thinking about paying people to report vandals. in a few hours the city council will consider offering up to $1,000 to anyone who makes a
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report leading to an arrest and recovery of damage costs. the report and reward program would also apply to illegal dumping of household items. the san jose city council wants to know what happens if teenagers could vote. they meet to talk about lowering the voting age to 16. they will rally on the steps of city hall before council members make up their mind. indiana polls read to the polls. hena daniels shows us why some candidates will be out reporter: coming off six straight primary winds donald trump says a victory in indiana will be a cruz crushing defeat. >> "lyin' ted" does not have the temperament to be doing this. he is choking like a dog because he is losing so badly. >> reporter: with 57 delegates up for grabs, winning the state
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puts the gop front-runner on track to fill up the nomination. trump is only 242 delegates away from clinching it. ted cruz hopes a win in indiana can keep his campaign going through july and the possibility of a contested convention. >> the entire country is depending on the state of indiana. >> reporter: on the democratic side, almost 8,000 supporters showed up at a bernie sanders rally in indianapolis on monday. >> tomorrow, let us see indiana have the largest voter turnout in their history! >> reporter: while his campaign needs to win more than 50% of the remaining delegates, democratic front-runner hillary clinton is already looking past the indiana primary, saying she will recruit the help of her husband in her administration. >> i told my husband he has to come out of retirement and be in charge of this because, you know, he has more ideas a minute than anyone i know. >> reporter: the next big contest in the presidential race is california on june 7
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when hundreds of delegates are up for grabs. hena daniels, cbs news. >> indiana's voter turnout has already set records with over 270,000 people casting early ballots. that's a 50% increase from early voting back in 2008. time now is 4:42. microdosing has become a frequent practice for young creative types in the bay area. next, in a story only on "5," what exactly is the illegal practice? ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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some... drop acid. it's usually people drink coffee to get them through the workday. some drop acid. >> it's illegal. cate caugiran has more on the growing number of bay area professionals who say tiny doses of lsd give them the competitive edge they need. it's a story you'll s only on "5". >> reporter: in the '60s a mind-
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blowing experiment called lsd rolled into town. >> ask your kids what they're learning, why they take it. >> reporter: an unprecedented number of young people flocked to san francisco and thanks to psychedelics saw the world in a different light. 50 years later, san francisco is still the center of the psychedelic universe. but those who now drop acid and why they do it might surprise you. >> it's a very small amount. >> reporter: they are not hippies. they are tech pros, artists, investors, entrepreneurs. >> these are the people influencing the world. these are the companies that are reaching far and wide all over. >> reporter: they are not taking lsd to hallucinate. >> definitely not. >> they haven't felt anything like an adverse reaction. >> reporter: they are taking a tiny dose a tenth of a normal dose to be more productive and creative. it's called microdosing. >> people are finding that low dose lsd permits their mind to be a little bit more expansive in terms of problem-solving and yet at the same time, they are
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able to stay focused. >> reporter: people like briana. the 27-year-old artist microdoses to focus more deeply on her work. she says it's better than caffeine. >> it's a very smooth awake. i feel focused and i can take away my distractions easily, much more easily than if i am just normal. ha ha. >> reporter: this veteran software engineer says lsd helped him solve some tough technical problems at cisco. >> software engineering and hardware and hardware engineering incredibly complex. >> reporter: he tried tour bus crash learn a complicated computer language. >> there's a benefit. >> reporter: but scientific proof is in short supply about both benefits and dangers. >> unfortunately, we just don't know enough at this point to say whether microdosing psychedelics like lsd is safe. >> reporter: this person is with an association for psychedelic study. he said in 1966 when it was
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declared illegal promising research stopped. >> that lack of research says we can't say for sure whether lsd is going to help. >> reporter: but a professor got a glimpse. >> we were quietly doing this research in menlo park. >> reporter: in the '60s, he conducted pioneering research when psychedelics were still legal. he recruited volunteers many in high-tech to take a moderate dose of lsd. >> there were theoretical physicists, clip designers. >> reporter: each person brought to the session technical problems they couldn't solve, but after dropping acid, success. >> we have had 48 problems, 44 solutions. >> reporter: in a new research project, he is collecting reports from hundreds of microdosers from around the world. >> people report they feel better. they feel more confident. >> reporter: as for briana, she is working on an interactive sculpture for the upcoming burning man festival. she says microdosing helps. >> i would love to see this be legal one day.
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>> reporter: but lsd is still a schedule 1 drug considered the most dangerous. and since it's illegal if you buy it, you may not what you're getting. in the newsroom, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> it's usually diluted in liquid in dropper bottles but no one knows what dose is safe. this solar powered plane is the real deal, landing smoothly in phoenix last night after leaving moffield field yesterday morning. two pilots and 17,000 solar cells, it's going around the world. it's flying more than 21,000 miles without fuel. >> incredible. 4:48. >> hope they had peanuts on board. >> i think it goes 28 miles an hour? but it can go a little faster
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when the sun is stronger. >> it hasn't been too strong the past couple of days. but the good thing for them is the winds have been light. >> we have the return of the onshore push and overcast skies. the marine layer has returned and we have low clouds. we have fog. we have temperatures spanning from 51 interesting in santa rosa to 57 degrees in san jose. take a look at the wind speeds. west-northwest at 7 at sfo. common throughout the tri- valley this morning. fairfield gusty at 15. this is realtime data. what you need to know is first off we have an area of low pressure hanging very tight to the coast. and that's what has been enhancing our marine layer. as it gets closer, the rain remains to the north of the bay area. meanwhile, out the door heavy fog in spots. otherwise partly cloudy skies away from the bay, mainly cloudy from the coast,
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peninsula and right around bayside. here's our satellite and radar. we are under the influence of high pressure. we are being overtaken by this area of low pressure that is encompassing a lot of real estate. behind it another area of low pressure. in fact, we have these storms stacked up like planes at sfo out over the pacific. that's why we're going to call it unsettled each day from wednesday through saturday. here's your futurecast. lunchtime in the bay area, mainly cloudy. then as the day progresses we have sunny peaks away from the bay towards concord, clayton, walnut creek, into the tri- valley. morgan hill partly cloudy skies. temperatures where they should for this time of the year from the 60s at the beaches to the mid-50s in the mountains. here's your official sun-up and sundown. smack in between, average high temperature in san francisco, 64. and we'll be spot on today but
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not a lot of sunshine. a daily slight chance of a light shower wednesday through saturday. otherwise dry skies in time for mother's day on sunday. good morning. let's jump over to the bay bridge now. we are accident-free but we have some roadwork this morning as you work your way on the eastbound side so keep that in mind but westbound if you are commuting out of oakland into san francisco no delays. clear across the upper deck. the roadwork on the lower deck is eastbound 80 treasure island to center anchorage until 6:00. southbound 880 no troubles. northbound looks good. they are clearing roadwork from 29th to 23rd. two lanes are shut down until 6:00 but we haven't seen any delays as a result so your drive times are looking nice northbound 880, 238 to the maze, 16 minutes this morning. to the south bay looks like this brush fire cleared quickly. no longer there. no activity along stevens creek boulevard on-ramp to north 880.
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a lot of green on our sensors. drive time pretty nice this morning. not seeing any delays along 101. if you plan on travel northbound from 280/680 to 237, that will take you 11 minutes. 2380 clear as well as guadalupe parkway -- 280 clear as well as guadalupe parkway. westbound 4 no delays yet out of antioch as you work your way into pittsburg and a crash 205 at 580. busy on the altamont pass this morning. back to you guys. there's a brand-new barbie in the toy aisle but this one stands out from the pack. she has stronger claws than every ken combined. her name is misty copeland, of course. the belly dancer played a part in the design process making sure the barbie had a muscular build. as part of her she rows program honoring women who break
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boundaries. she is the first black principal dancer with the american ballet theater. >> it will change lives. being different is okay and you can overcome a challenge. >> now 33, copeland says she played with barbies until she turned 13 and by chance that's the same year that she started ballet lessons. she deserves that barbie. >> yeah. >> pretty good. >> exceptional dancer and role model, right? >> yes. >> time now 4:54. warehouses are getting bought up in the east bay. what tesla has planned for the spaces next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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shkreli is set to face fraud charges, in a new york courm today. prosecutors say shkreli martin shkreli is set to face fraud charges in a new
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york courtroom today. prosecutors say that he siphoned money from one of his drug companies to pay off bad investments made by another one of his companies. shkreli first made headlines when he increased the price of a cancer and aids drug by 5,000% last year. this court case is not related to that incident. electric carmaker tesla is racing to buy up real estate in the east bay. the company secured leases on two huge warehouses in livermore equaling to more than a million square feet. the new space will also mean jobs in the livermore valley. we got to take a look at the warehouse complex when chopper 5 flew over it. it's not replacing the plant in fremont. it will be used to sort parts and do logistics work. u.s. airlines are soaring to new heights. they posted record profits last year. all together, they were $25.6 billion in the black. that's almost triple the profits of the year earlier. the data from the department of transportation shows that nearly all the extra profit was
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due to lower fuel costs. the british automaker mclaren is sailing a rare f1 vehicle. the company only made 64 of the cars back in the 1990s. all these years he held on the to the f1 that's now for sale. it goes up to 242 miles an hour. no price is listed. but a used f1 recently sold for more than $13 million. you can only dream. >> that's about $13 million too much for me. >> too much. [ laughter ] it's 4:57. police on high alert after a thief takes off with weapons from a gun store. the growing problem across the area. >> we're here in the mission district in san francisco where the hunger strike may finally be boiling over with an anticipated meeting with strikers and mayor lee. ,, ,,,, p?p?o?gv
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and i'm kenny choi. we begin good morning. it's tuesday, may 3. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. we begin with the explosive allegations against a former 49ers player. dana stubblefield is accused of raping a disabled woman. let's take you now to morgan hill where the arrest and alleged assault happened. kpix 5's keit do is live there. kiet? >> reporter: it happened more than a year ago hear at the former home of ex-49er dana stubblefield. the district attorney's office though defended this long timeline saying they wanted to make extra sure they got it right. so stubblefield was bonded out of jail yesterday after being booked on charges of rape of a developmentally disabled woman. the d.a.'s office says back in april 2015 he found the woman through a babysitter website and invited her


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